November 16, 2022

GCtalks: Holistic Lesson Plans with Tony Mariano

GuitarCurriculum is hosting monthly Zoom meetings with our Education Specialists on a range of unique topics. This month ACG Director of Community Education Tony Mariano lead us through the new Holistic Lesson Plans. These lesson plans take a deeper look into the musical, technical, and emotional aspects of a piece. Check out pieces with the "HLP" status in the music library to see these new lesson plans.

Current pieces with Holistic Lesson Plans include the following

Level 1 Blue Magic, Meditation No. 1

Level 2 Neptune Run, Ode to Joy

Level 3 The bending river, Intersection

Level 4 Sandias, and Transylvanian Folk Song

To learn more about our upcoming Zoom sessions, ask a question, or just connect, feel free to reach out to