June 15, 2017


In 2006, Pushpa Basnet founded the Early Childhood Development Center, a special home in Nepal for children whose parents are incarcerated. Due to overcrowding in Nepal’s orphanages, these young people are often left to live with their parents in prison or by themselves on the streets. In recognition of her work, she was chosen as CNN’s Hero of the Year in 2012, and in 2016 she was declared the CNN Super Hero: Above and Beyond!

Last year, Ms. Basnet decided to bring music to the home, and into the lives of the dozens of children living there. She partnered with Daniel Linden and the Gharana Music Foundation in Kathmandu, and together they approached us at GuitarCurriculum.com for support starting a guitar class.

We were thrilled to guide them through using the curriculum, along with offering teacher training and consultation - anything we could do to help. Also, as we always do with new partners around the world, our staff created new arrangements of Nepali folk songs to add to the curriculum's music library, so that the kids could learn to play songs they recognize.

The results have been incredible, and we invite you to watch this beautiful video about the program and the impact it is having on children: